Today's Massa press conference covered the State of the Union, the primaries, earmarks, S-CHIP and defense spending.
Massa began by saying that the real story of the primaries is the increase in voter turnout by Independent and Democratic voters. He characterized the Republican vote as "suppressed", and looks forward to seeing energized voters on Super Tuesday.
Turning to the State of the Union, Massa noted that one of major commitments by the President was to veto any legislation that does not cut taxpayer-funded earmarks in half. Massa pointed out the difference between that position, which was echoed by Randy Kuhl in a
press release on Monday, with the
announcement the next day of a grant for the town of Erwin, as well as Kuhl's historic position on earmarks: "In the last Congressional campaign, Congressman Kuhl's primary reason and justification for re-election was his ability to bring home earmarks."
Massa said that the "irresponsible borrowing and spending by the government has driven this country to the brink of an economic disaster we face today." Referring to past examples of political courage, such as JFK's, Massa noted that "to be part of the problem and then say it should be eradicated [...] is not political courage." Massa's position is that every Congressional district should have a fair share of federal money brought back, but it should be done through the budget process.
I asked Massa whether he had any concerns about the stimulus package, and lack of pay-as-you-go financing.
Borrowing $150 billion from the Chinese to buy $150 billion of Chinese-manufactured goods stimulates the Chinese economy. In addition to getting cash to the economy, we need to engage in a FDR-style infrastructure building package nationwide. We need to tie stimulus to living wage jobs that produce something for the public good.
Massa said that pay-go financing for the stimulus package should come from "tax subsidies for the ultra wealthy." Massa noted that the middle class has seen taxes go up, so he prefers to call the Bush tax cuts "tax subsidies". "I don't know anyone who hasn't seen their taxes go up."
On S-CHIP, Massa defended his desire to debate Kuhl:
There's nothing wrong with a public official debating this key issue. It is not a trick or a ploy, I'm not trying to be cute. He's going to be here on recess doing the business of the district, and there are thousands of children in the district -- why won't he debate this issue?
Referring to Kuhl's suggestion that Massa read the bill, Massa said he's read it many times.
I asked Massa another question about the military budget. Since our defense spending is more than the rest of the world combined, I wonder where he thought it should be cut, and, specifically, if we should reduce our commitments in wealthy countries like South Korea and Germany.
It is true that we are spending more on our military than every other country combined. We are not spending it smartly. We have committed $2.5 trillion to the occupation in Iraq and received no increase in our national security and no increase in our economic security.
Massa agreed that garrisons in South Korea and Germany need to be scaled down or eliminated. He also pointed to overseas bases, such as those in Japan, Kuwait and the United Kingdom, saying "this network of overseas bases needs to be evaluated." Massa added that there was some more important information about the military:
This administration has consumed our military. President Clinton turned over 30 fully-operational and deployable Army brigades. [...] Today we have in that category, zero. Not a single deployable Army brigade exists outside of Iraq. Those in Iraq do not meet pre-Iraq standards.
Massa pointed to the recent grounding of half of the F-15s in service, and to the fact that the Navy is a fraction of the size it was when the Bush Administration came to office as other indicators of problems with the military. "Across the board, our military is being mishandled and misused. We need people in Congress and in the White House who understand that."
I was the only person on the call who asked questions -- I think there was at least one other who was not identified.