Two Votes: S-CHIP and Massa's First Vote Against Party

As promised, Eric Massa voted in support of S-CHIP. Also, he was one of only 15 Democrats to oppose a procedural vote allowing consideration of a bill to reform the TARP program. Since Massa supports TARP reform, it's likely that the bill up for consideration didn't meet his standards for TARP reform.

Also, I took down the vote stream on the left. It had a few problems. Once it's fixed, Massa's latest actions will be displayed automatically.

Better Late Than Never News

I'm late on today's news: The Messenger-Post and Olean Times-Herald covered yesterday's Massa press conference.

Got Milk News?

The Leader has a story on falling milk prices. In addition to Massa's prescription of limiting uncertified foreign imports, a New York Dairy Association spokesman says that we need to lower the price of doing business in New York, which is the highest in the nation.

Congressman Massa's First Press Conference

Eric Massa had his first press conference since he was elected to Congress. He spoke about his swearing-in, recent votes, legislation he's co-sponsoring, and what's coming up in Congress. Read on to learn more.

Further Confirmation of Massa's Abject Failure

Reader Elmer sends today's Corning Leader editorial page [pdf], where the Leader editorial staff voices its outrage that Massa's trip took two cars.

Just kidding. Massa got a "Grin" in the "Grin/Groan" column, similar to the "Cheer" he got the other day in the Messenger-Post.

Help for the Dairyman

WETM reports that a drop in milk prices has hit local dairy farmers hard. Eric Massa is quoted in the report saying that the House Agriculture Committee will meet in an emergency session to discuss ways to prop up milk prices.

Massa's Labor Votes

The Buffalo News reports on Massa's votes for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Massa Named to Agriculture Committee

Reader Elmer sends the Star-Gazette story on Massa's Agriculture Committee appointment. This committee appointment was Massa's first choice.

The Briar Patch

Eric Massa's trip to Washington in a fuel cell vehicle is still making the news, as intended. The Democrat and Chronicle has a story on the trip today. National blogs, including this green warrior and these right-wingers, are running to their fainting couches because two vehicles were involved in the trip. They're shocked and appalled that a R&D prototype running on experimental fuel doesn't work as well as the family minivan.

I'm sure Eric Massa, who freely acknowledges that the trip was a publicity stunt, is reading all this and smiling. In addition to getting more publicity, he has the opportunity to defend a district employer against outside critics.

The 29th has lost jobs and population for decades. Massa beat a heavily favored incumbent by convincing voters that he would fight harder to create jobs. His campaign was full of creative stunts designed to show that he's a fighter, and only those who don't understand the politics of the district would think he'd stop once he was elected.

New Upstate Caucus

Exile at The Albany Project has the news that Louise Slaughter [NY-28] has started a new bipartisan upstate caucus. Eric Massa will be part of the group.

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