Morning News: Tea and Goner

The Corning Leader and the Star-Gazette have stories on both candidates' appearance at the Chemung County Womens' Council Tea.

WETM catches up with the goner story.

Other Morning News

Julie Sherwood at the Messenger-Post has a good race backgrounder that goes into some depth on the main issues in the district.

Here's an interesting one: Fox News' election-night primer says Kuhl is "toast".

Messenger-Post: Massa / Star-Gazette: Kuhl

The Messenger-Post endorses Massa [pdf] mainly because of his more detailed positions on the issues. (Update: Here's the link to an online version, thanks to reader Cathy.)

The Star-Gazette follows the Gannett line and chooses Kuhl because he brings home the pork and because Kuhl of his "street wisdom" and "He's so rooted in the district that he no longer keeps an apartment in Washington, choosing instead to bunk out on a bed in his office."

Leader Endorses Massa

Reader Elmer sends the Corning Leader's endorsement [pdf] of Eric Massa.

It's a busy morning and there are a lot of endorsements to report. I want to single this one out not only because it is an unexpected move by a conservative paper, but also because it is almost completely issue-based. When you consider the candidates solely on the main issues of the day, the Leader argues, Massa is the most conservative.

The opinion page also includes Joe Dunning's column. In addition to being tired of political ads, Dunning highlights Kuhl's "prevent defense", asking "Is it possible to win a campaign by avoiding voters?"

Massa Out-Raises Kuhl Again

According to the October 1-15 filings at the FEC, Eric Massa raised $134K in the most recent reporting period. Massa has $234K on hand. Randy Kuhl raised $106K and has $208K on hand.

As of 10/15, Massa had spent $1.6 million to Kuhl's $1.3 million.

NRCC Is Still Spending

FEC filings show that the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is still spending in the 29th district.

Yesterday, the NRCC spent $35K on an anti-Massa mailer. On Thursday, they spent $9K on another mailer and roughly $26K on a media buy.

As of Wednesday, the NRCC had spent a little over $300K, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) spent more than $500K.

Morning News: Tea and Not a Goner

Randy Kuhl and Eric Massa will be guest speakers at a tea in Elmira tomorrow.

Kuhl is pushing back on the Goner List story.

New Massa Ad: Kuhl Wants to Cut Medicare

The latest Massa ad is embedded below:

Goner List Hits the TeeVee

Both Syracuse News 10 and Rochester's WROC have stories about the Goner List.

Morning News: Forum, Response, Suffering

Eric Massa attended a candidate forum in Watkins Glen. Randy Kuhl did not attend. The Massa campaign has a press release out noting that Kuhl was having a press conference while the forum was taking place, but that's not reported in the S-G story.

Massa also has a candidate response to the Democrat and Chronicle's endorsement published in today's issue.

Sean Carroll at 13-WHAM notes that Kuhl made the same "suffer" comment to the D&C.

Finally, Water Buffalo Press notices that claims of record voter registration in Monroe County were incorrect.

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