Morning News

The Star-Gazette says that a Massa victory is "all but certain". The final deadline for certification is next Friday, with counties expected to finish counting today. Counties that have reported so far show a slight uptick in Massa's lead over Kuhl.

This morning's Corning Leader covers Wednesday's Massa meeting with state officials.

Massa Meets with Patterson, Delegation in DC

The Star-Gazette has the details on yesterday's meeting with Gov. Patterson and legislative leadership. The story also says that the final count will be available this week or next.

Massa Interview

WENY has an interview with Eric Massa in Washington, DC.

I haven't seen anything on the final count, for those who are wondering.


Today's Corning Leader story on the vote count makes it sound like counting might be finished today.

Where's Eric?

This was taken today. I think Eric Massa is standing behind the top railing next to a woman in a red, but this is the biggest picture I could find and it's still pretty small.

Yates Ballot Report

A witness at today's Yates ballot count said the count was Massa 346, Kuhl 326, with about 2/3 of the votes counted. Yates went for Kuhl by 93 votes on election night, so this cut Kuhl's lead a bit.

Call Her Big-Boned, But She's Gonna Sing Soon

The Star-Gazette reports that Massa's going to orientation in DC this week.

Roll Call speculates on defeated Republicans' job prospects, including Randy Kuhl's.

News Items

The Corning Leader reports on the Kuhl FEC fine that Exile reported on Tuesday.

Over at the Messenger-Post, Julie Sherwood has a story on Massa's recent meeting with Health Care for America Now.

The Messenger-Post, WETM, and Finger Lake Times, among others, have vote count reports. They all seem to agree that Massa is ahead by around 5,700 votes, with roughtly 6,000 left to count. I haven't seen a statement from the Kuhl campaign in the last couple of days.

Fat Lady Warming Up

Jill Terreri at the D&C has a few more details on yesterday's Monroe vote count. Money quote:

Massa, of Corning, Steuben County, is now about 5,700 votes ahead of Kuhl, with fewer than 6,000 absentee ballots remaining to be counted in other counties. The process of counting affidavit and absentee ballots in other counties is expected to begin Monday.

Count Update

Sean Carroll at 13-WHAM has tonight's count. After almost half of the district's absentee ballots have been counted, Massa's lead is up to 5,740. Kuhl is still not conceding.

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