Saturday Morning News

The Rural Patriot reports that the Olean TImes-Herald endorsed Randy Kuhl in their paper edition.  The endorsement isn't available from the paper's website.

Today's Elmira Star-Gazette has a race overview story that's pretty good, but starts with some errors.  First, the subhead reads "Polls Show Kuhl, Massa Winning as Race Winds Down".  Then it cites the Cook Report and Evans and Novak as evidence of the closeness of the race.  Those aren't polls, they're political writers' ratings based on a number of factors including polls.  In addition, they interpret the Cook Report rating [pdf], "leans Republican", as putting the race "solidly in Randy Kuhl's hands".  That's not right .  In Cook-speak, "leans" means a race where one party has the advantage but the race is competitive.  Cook's rating for "solid" races is "solid", and the 29th hasn't been in that category since Cook started publishing ratings for this cycle.

The National Journal has dropped the 29th from 35th to 44th in their ranking of competitive house races. 


Any chance Gen. Clark could cut some ads, even just radio while in Hornell, which nail Kuhl and the GOP for this b.s. about Massa's endorsement of terrorism, etc., etc. You know--worded in a way which simply spotlights SHAME on the Congressman for eventhinking people would buy this. Remember: Gen. Clark is a regular, respected commentator on FOX-News and ten percent of the vote two years ago went to a Conservative line candidate.

Sometimes I wish newspapers would get out of the endorsement business because most of the time they don't make any sense. Massa a one issue candidate? Haven't they been listening to his positions on social security, health insurance, and taxes? These Southern Tier newspapers think the world ends at the borders of the 29th.

Looking for a high level of logic in newspaper endorsements is a dead-end. I think the endorsement comes first, then the justification is written to fit the endorsement, not the other way around.

yeah but remember how excited everyone was when the Canandaguia paper endorsed Massa?

P.S. No matter how this turns out Tuesday night, even here in rural Steuben we are talking about a race for Congress and seriously evaluating two fine candidates.

Countryboy, I like what you said about our newspapers and their world ending at the borders of the 29th. Biggest joke there is most of them are owned by interests outside the 29th.