News of the Week

News in the 29th has returned to a dribble of pork and local issues. Here's what's happened in the last couple of weeks:

  • Randy Kuhl was in Wellsville to present a "Price is Right" check representing a $200K HUD grant to the Alfred State University branch campus there.
  • Kuhl and Shumer both annouced continued cooperation in the cleanup of a former nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in northern Cattaragus County.
  • Kuhl continues to announce grants on his site. His pork mojo is so powerful that he can see grants happening in the future, like this one, which is dated December 29th.
  • Finally, Kuhl's long-time spokesman, Bob Van Wicklin, joined the Navy Reserve.


Now is not the time to slack. Now is the time to take stock of lessons learned in the 2006 campaign season. Did candidates have enough people on the ground to get the? Do your local activists need campaign training? Now is the time to address these issues—not in the heat of the next campaign.

For anyone who recently worked on a campaign, now is the time to lay the groundwork for what to do differently. Now is the time to make plans to stay connected with the campaign volunteers you met along the way--these same people are most likely going to be around for the next major campaign.

One suggestion to stay connected is to form your own Democracy for America group. It's simple--go to and create a group. This group organizing/event planning website is free and easy to use. Spread the word about the group and how to register. Then start having meetings or events. Do anything to keep the contacts alive--do community service volunteer work, have planning sessions, find out who wants to run for office and start planning for that. Have a movie night…have a potluck supper.

The 50-state strategy works…is your area ready??