Kuhl on the State of the Union

After shaking President Bush's hand during Bush's walk to the podium last night, Randy Kuhl commented:

Tonight, the President discussed many important topics, a lot of the same issues that I’ve heard expressed during town meetings over the past two years [...] Whether it’s health care, energy, education, or immigration, the President has made some bold proposals and has asked for both parties to set aside differences and get this work done quickly for the benefit of all Americans. I couldn’t agree more. I ran for Congress so I could help solve problems like these, so let’s get to work.

I'll leave it to readers to identify the one bold proposal Kuhl failed to mention. Hint: it involves 21,500 young men and women.

Update: Reader porker points out that Kuhl put the war on the list when talking to the media later yesterday. The quote above is from his official site.


It seemed a little odd that Kuhl wouldn't mention the war and I think you didn't see that in the original article,


Its the first thing that he said was important.

That's his official press release that I quoted. He didn't mention the war in it. I posted this entry Wednesday a.m., before the article you cited was published. I will update this post to reflect your article. Thanks.

I see Randy must have gotten the talking points memo, since he is quoted in the paper, describing the president’s speech as “bold”. Honestly, can’t he even come up with an unscripted reaction? Pathetic. Keep clapping loudly, Randy. Maybe it will drown out the sounds of dissent in your own district.