News Items

I've been off the net for a couple of days, but the news in the 29th keeps rolling in. Here's the roundup:

  • Randy Kuhl has joined the bi-partisan Congressional Human Rights Caucus.
  • Eric Massa has racked up another union endorsement - this one is from the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
  • Rochesterturning reports that Bob VanWicklin's assertion that turnout in the North was lower than in the South was rebutted, forcefully, in the Corning Leader. VanWicklin's statement is incorrect for the 29th, but it was made in the context of speculation about the fate of the 29th after redistricting, which might include all of Monroe County, including Rochester. Since most of Rochester is represented by safe-seat Louise Slaughter, my guess is overall Monroe turnout for Congressional races is lower than turnout in the Southern Tier. I still don't agree with VanWicklin, since a tight race in the "new" 29th might draw more Rochester voters to the polls. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he wasn't simply misstating well-known facts.