Kuhl Isn't Campaigning

Randy Kuhl's visit to the Hornell Evening Tribune focused on the campaign, or, rather, the non-campaign. Kuhl said he's not campaigning, but instead doing his job. Calling Massa a "professional politician", he said “People don't want me running a campaign, they want me working."

One of the downsides of being a Congressman is that it is essentially an eternal campaign, but Kuhl apparently thinks the "not campaigning" message works for him, so he continues to repeat it.


if kuhl isnt sure that he is running, i think other people should start lining up to run as a Republican. He should also give back all the money he has raised so far.

Frankly, Assini might take him in a primary. Or someone.

He should also give back all the money he has raised so far.

There's not much of it anyway. And I don't think he's even "raised it" in the usual sense -- it just comest trickling in. Only 6K in 2Q from individual donors.

When he says he's not campaigning, he's serious.