Pop-Up S-CHIP Mailer

For all you VH-1 viewers out there, the Fighting29th is proud to present Pop-Up SCHIP.  Move your mouse over the boxes and see what pops up.


Nice touch on the mailer - Rotten

Do it again with the Energy mailer that just came out.

When I saw this bit of campaign literature the first thing that came to my mind was the Rovian ideology of political weakness. Mr. Kuhl's greatest political soft-spot over the past year has been the SCHIP issue, since he stuck along partisan lines to deny it's expansion. Kuhl and co. are trying to dispell this controversial decision by claiming his unfledged support of the program, which is true in a Catch-22 sort of way since he did vote in favor of it's passage eventually. I hope voters in the 29th will remember Kuhl denouncing the program as "the gateway to socialized medicine" as well as the significant donations toward his campaign from tobacco companies who fought the expansion - and it's cig tax - tooth and nail.

Stlo7 - Just Did.

Monk- The Dems caved on S-CHIP and this is the consequence. Expecting voters to remember subtle distinctions is a losing battle.

It was just a bit of wishful thinking Rotten, but I suppose you're right. The details of politics are irrelevant when juxtaposed to the big planned-out picture.