Grins and Groans: Massa and Kuhl

Reader Tom sends a scan of today's Corning Leader editorial. It's a "grins and groans" edition which takes both candidates to task.

Eric Massa gets dinged for crashing Kuhl's press conference. Randy Kuhl's groan is for misleading voters about drilling, and for failing to acknowledge that his press conference was a campaign event.


When you think about it everything an office holder does is a campaign event. The only time it is not true is if the office holder has said he or she will not be seeking reelection.

Chuckie Schummer spoke at my daughter's graduation from Nazareth College in 2005. It could have been looked at as a campaign event.

I like the term "the party of incumbency" -- it gets at what you're talking about.

It's particularly true this close to an election. There's a period during which candidates can't use their franking privileges -- I think it's within 90 days of an election -- and I think that anything within 90 days should certainly be considered political. Yes, all events they show up for are political, just as all their franked mailers are political, but is' more glaring when it's nearly election time.