Afternoon News: Debates and Fix Washington

The Messenger-Post has a debate story. It reports that Kuhl has declined other debate invitations, but his spokesman Justin Stokes would only identify the Bath League of Women Voters event by name.

Randy Kuhl has released the winning idea for his "Fix Washington contest: term limits. Kuhl will introduce a 12-year term limit Constitutional amendment.


Kuhl will introduce a 12-year term limit Constitutional amendment.

If he had guts, he'd go with a four-year term limit.

Exile - I don't think that would work as I'm sure he'd have all sitting elected officials protected by a grandfather clause :)

I know many people don't like term limits. My feeling is that people get so comfortable in DC and forget the people at home.

It would be great to send a blogger from Rochester or a nurse from the Canandaigua or a dairy farmer from Hornell to represent us in congress for 6 or 12 years.

Blogger from Rochester - Yikes!

Nurse - maybe.

Dairy Farmer - Now you're talking. If House members worked as hard as dairy farmers, they'd get everything done in about 90 days.

My feeling is that people get so comfortable in DC and forget the people at home.

Perhaps. But so many of the best people in Congress have been there forever, whether it's Orrin Hatch or Ted Kennedy, Walter Jones or Barney Frank. I don't want to lose those guys.