Robo Call

I just got robo-called by "Working Families Win." The call tried to tie Randy Kuhl to the current economic crisis. It said he had taken "over $300,000" from Wall Street interests, and that the policies he supported put working families retirement at risk. It also noted that Kuhl will receive "a guaranteed pension at taxpayers expense." The call ended with Kuhl's office number.


Rotten, I've received several of these Working Families Win robo-calls over the last few months. I also received Kuhl robo-calls two years ago -- funny thing is I'm on the side of Fairport Village that is in Louise's district. It's probably cheaper to robo everyone in an exchange and hit a few wrong numbers than to look up the addresses.

It's hard to believe these things are effective at all. They all seem so over the top and the immediate hang-up rate has to be incredibly high.

I agree -- a waste of time and money.

These calls are driving me crazy! They are leaving me voicemail messages on my private cell phone! How did they even get my number? It's unlisted. Seems like a violation of my (albeit illusionary) privacy rights.

Good reason to vote for Kuhl. If Massa wins then we will just have another guy with "a guaranteed pension at taxpayers expense." :)

Yeah, we should be raiding nursing homes for Congressional candidates, since they won't need much of a pension.

I think you are on to something :)

If Massa wins then we will just have another guy with "a guaranteed pension at taxpayers expense." :)

Sounds like an argument against term limits to me.

It probably is, but all in all I am still in favor of term limits.

Robo calls just don't work.

It is too bad that politicians continue to exempt themselves from Do Not Call law. is fighting for the privacy of the American voter.

1 - Creating a Political Do Not Call Registry
2 - Testifying in the US Senate about robo calls (Sen. Feinstein’s Robocall Privacy Act)
3 - Forcing states to enforce existing robo call laws (CA, MN, NJ, etc..)
4 - Getting politicians to take a do not robo call pledge (7 have)

As I testified at the US. Senate these robo calls are an epidemic and this election cycle “phone spam” and are invading the privacy of All American Voters.

Our members are taking a stand and saying enough is enough at the National Political Do Not Contact Registry at

Here is a quote from a member recently:

"I'm a shift worker, working variable shifts. I depend on my sleep to be able to do my job safely and efficiently. I'm a locomotive engineer. Imagine the disaster were I to fall asleep, operating a freight train carrying hazardous materials in your neighborhood, due to fatigue from being awoken in my middle of the night on a continuous basis during election season. Please stop.."

Learn more.

Shaun Dakin
A non-profit fighting for the privacy of the American voter

Good reason to vote for Kuhl. If Massa wins then we will just have another guy with "a guaranteed pension at taxpayers expense."