More Resignation Coverage

Politico and The Atlantic are reporting that the reason Massa resigned was allegations of sexual harassment from a male aide. Massa denied these allegations in his statement and to a Talking Points Memo reporter.

According to the Star-Gazette, Massa has asked Hornell Mayor Shawn Hogan to run in his place. Hogan is almost the only Democrat in the Southern Tier who has any kind of a profile, so he's the logical choice.


What a bombshell. My God. Eric Massa was doing such a terrific job of representing us. I cannot believe that this means Tom Reed--of all people!--will coast into Congress. Good Lord.

I had figured that Massa would win - but I think the seat will go Republican now - and it will be a blowout if Massa did sexually harass a male staff member -

Do you think that people will hold it against the next Democrat if Massa did something like that? I don't see why, but maybe you know something I don't.

Do you think that, realizing they won't have a dogged incumbent to run against, some of the other GOP-ers in the district will jump in? Tom Reed has his OWN issues and how man y times do you have the chance at an open and now locked-for-the-Republicans-for-sure seat?

I would think that there will be both a Democrat and Republican primary election this year

Tom Reed will be thrown off or under the bus fast and it will be a primary fight with George Winner, Brian Kolb and Maggie Brooks. What a step backward after having a Congressman like Eric.

Time for a young independent to step in and fill the gap. The 29th needs neither a Dem, nor a Rep. I for one am glad it is about to get exciting.

Matt Kernan for Congress!

Don't call it a comeback but that's what I think Kuhl is about to make! Welcome back Congressman!

WOW....This would be something~!!! OR---George Winner runs for Congress and Ra ndy steps back in as State Senator. I'm serious. He always was terrific in that role.

With Albany being in the middle of a meltdown of epic proportions and the federal government basically falling apart one piece at a time... things here in NY (and the US) are getting very interesting. Look for a few independents to run for this seat as well as a few bigger-named Republicans and Democrats. Tom Reed? I highly doubt we'll see him make the big show.

In a way, it will be outrightly cruel if the GOP pitches Tom aside--when he was prepared to be the sacrificial lamb in what surely would have been a Massa-won race. My my.........anyway, I am still stunned by Eric's news.

we need a candidate without "these" issues - that rules out Massa, Kuhl, Winner, Kolb, Cathy Young, and Tom Reed. ALL of whom have substantiated or at least strong rumors of marital strife and sexual issues in their pasts. Time in Albany should probably count against you at this point, so I would look to someone like Maggie Brooks or Bob Vanwicklin on the GOP side and Shawn Hogan or Carl Hayden on the Dem side.