Another Republican in the Race

Reader Joe sends news that Janice Volk, a resident of Cuba, will be Tom Reed's second primary challenger this year. Janice's website doesn't have much information at the moment, but it says that there's more to come.


This is fascinating. Once again, Fighting 29th is first with the news!

Jan has updated her website with her positions. She is perfect for the District and America.

This is getting more and more interesting....

I went to the website and, again, just think this is so great---her jumping into the race like this. An interesting background and--and please don't take this as sexist--she claims to be A GRANDMOTHER? She looks so young and vivacious! Very exciting.

They're ("Leader" and one of the Elmira tv stations) reporting that State Sen. George Winner isn't going to seek re-election this year. Another shocker. Assemblyman Baccales of Corning is running for it, keeping a great tradition alive (when Randy stepped up from Assemblyman, Baccales ran for the job--I think). Ironically, a Tompkins County legislator just last week announced she is running for the Democratic nomination. People are lampooning her, despite good credentials, as hailing from "The Republic of Ithaca," which just happens to fall into one of the further reaches of the district. HERE is where we could use Randy, stepping back in. In my opinion.

Randy? In what Capacity? State Senator again? Not a bad idea.

Seriously----he knows Albany like the back of his hand...I'm not sure if his earlier years would count towards seniority but....It provides a way to sort of even the score with having been ousted from office byEric...It could work!

I don't disagree. But let's get back on topic. This congressional race is heating up. The hip hop republicans have picked Janice up as a candidate to watch. I think Reed has another thing coming. I've met her and I will tell you straight up, the woman is ridiculously intelligent and down to earth. Word is that she has a few TV interviews coming up. I think that Janice should challenge Reed to a debate. She'll win 2 to 1.

She says the same thing every other Republican says, which is a good thing these days. has anybody seen her filings to see how much money she has? Putting up a website and saying things is a lot easier than getting the money needed. I hope she does get it, I doubt she will.


"Well funded" is not synonymous with "Best candidate". You appear to have your priorities mixed up. How can a candidate claim to be "fiscally sain" when they raise $500,000 or $ 1 million for a two year job that pays only $175,000 per year? This is what Reed is doing and why he should not be elected. He is just another Republican Junkie. Forget them. Lets get real Americans in office.

I am sorry Down in Cuba, I wish you were right, but well funded often wins the race. If the best candidate won 90% of the pols in Washington would not be there. No reason to believe this year will be any different in that respect. Obama spent $600 million for a $400k job. It's not about the pay for these people, it's about the power.

"Ridicuously intelligent." I love that! I can't wait to see some video of her. Great idea, challenging a debate. It's true, no one particularly has felt "on fire" by Tom Reed---though he did have the gumption to step up to the plate to run,when no one else would. And you hafta respect that.