Massa Rotates

Eric Massa was at a a Rotary meeting in Rochester today. He's still concerned about the current healthcare bill.

He's also concerned about Afghanistan.

Sun Rises in East, Massa's Running

The Leader, Star-Gazette and Messenger-Post have the news of Massa's announcement.

Evening News: He's Running, A Day in the Life, Postal Woes

Reader Elmer sends an item in today's Corning Leader [pdf] saying that Massa's expected to announce his candidacy on Saturday. I guess we can all sleep well tonight now that the suspense is over.

The Hornell Evening Trib's Bob Clark documents the day he spent with Eric Massa in Washington.

The Postal Service wants to cut some jobs in Elmira because of falling mail volume, and a couple of county legislators are telling people to take it up with Massa.

War and Vulnerability

The Buffalo News has a roundup of Afghanistan positions by the New York delegation. Skepticism and caution are the order of the day.

The Star-Gazette's 2010 preview says that Massa is vulnerable in the 29th.

Worry Warts

Eric Massa has been raising funds at a furious pace since election day, and today he sent out an email saying "On Saturday, 10/10 at 10:00 am, I will be making a formal announcement about the 2010 election."

It seems pretty obvious what's going to happen on Saturday, yet the Albany Project and Open Left are worried that he's not running.

I guess the 10, 10 and 10 hints were too subtle, though even the Star Gazette seemed to figure it out.

Reed Preliminary Numbers

The Reed campaign announced that they've raised $130K so far, and have more than $120K on hand.

FEC quarterly reports won't be out for another week, so we'll see about the details then.

Morning News: An Ugly Poll and Afghanistan

The Democrat and Chronicle reports on a new Mason-Dixon poll that shows 75% disapproval of the House of Representatives.

The Star-Gazette covers Massa's remarks at his press conference about Afghanistan. They're similar to his remarks last week.

Pet Projects

Eric Massa and other area Representatives want air service from Ithaca to DC. Massa also wants to use naval anti-ballistic missiles rather than stationing them on land.

Massa, Reed on Senate Healthcare Bill

Reader Elmer sends today's Corning Leader story [pdf] (and jump [pdf]) detailing Tom Reed and Eric Massa's reaction to the defeat of the public option in the Senate Finance Committee.

Not Much News

There hasn't been a heck of a lot of news lately, other than this WETM report of Massa's town hall meeting in Van Etten. Massa's still not happy with the healthcare bill, unsurprisingly.

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