
Posts containing facts about the race in the 29th.

Massa's Committee Preferences

Here's a list of Freshman committee preferences. According to the list, Massa "is interested in the Armed Services Committee, given his experience as a former staffer on the committee. Massa would also like a seat on the Agriculture Committee."

I've seen interest from Massa in the Transportation and Agriculture Committees, but this is the first I've heard about Armed Services, though it makes a lot of sense, given Massa's background. Veterans' Affairs is another possibility.

(Via Rochesterturning)

Massa in the Paper

Eric Massa has an op-ed in today's Star-Gazette.

Massa is quoted in a Corning Leader story about the shortage of large-animal veterinarians. Apparently, nobody wants to go into a job that requires a better GPA and test scores than being a physician, yet barely pays enough to make ends meet.

Massa on Tribal Issues

Eric Massa wants to replace cigarette revenue lost by the Seneca tribe, and also get a road built across their territory, according to Rick Miller's story in the Olean Times-Herald.

Kuhl's Office Evacuated

Randy Kuhl's DC office was evacuated today because of a steam valve leak. This cries out for some kind of hot air joke, but since it is the season of giving, two days until the festival of lights, and a week until we all light the kinara, I will refrain.

GM Event in Words and Pictures

Michael Parks was kind enough to send this photo of Eric Massa at yesterday's GM event. Bob Clark at the Hornell Evening Tribune also filed a story on Massa's visit.

Eric Massa (c) Michael Parks

Massa and the Bailout

Julie Sherwood at the Messenger-Post has a few more details on Massa's support of the automaker bailout. Like yesterday's coverage, the centerpiece is Massa's trip to the GM R&D facility in Honeoye Falls.

Massa's rationale for supporting the automaker bailout centers on breaking our dependence on fossil fuels and bringing jobs to the district. The Honeoye Falls plant, which specializes in "green technology" like fuel cells, is a great backdrop for that message.

Massa's message is a preview of coming attractions from the Democrats, because they need to sell the auto bailout to a skeptical public. As this analysis shows, polling on the automaker rescue is running roughly 55/45 against.

Massa Visits GM R&D Facility

Eric Massa visited the Honeoye Falls GM plant and drove a fuel-cell vehicle there. Rnews and Syracuse News 10 covered the event.

Massa also announced his support of the GM bailout, saying that it will save jobs and the environment.

Massa's Committees

Yesterday's Hornell Evening Tribune story and a story in today's Star-Gazette about Eric Massa's preparations both mention that his goal is to serve on the Agriculture Committee. The S-G also reports that Massa would also like to serve on the Transportation Committee. Randy Kuhl served on both of those committees.

Massa's Preparations

Bob Clark at the Hornell Evening Tribune writes about Eric Massa's plans for his new offices. Massa will have district offices in Olean, Corning and the Rochester area, with about 15 total staff.

While Massa is preparing to take over, Randy Kuhl's staff is directing calls for assistance to Chuck Schumer's office.

Massa Opposes Fart Tax

Eric Massa has gone on record opposing a tax on cow farts. The tax is part of a proposed EPA rule dealing with greenhouse gas emissions. According to this farm publication, the rule was more of a trial balloon than a real attempt to charge farmers.

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