
Posts containing facts about the race in the 29th.

Finally, Some News

Eric Massa will cut the ribbon at the Southeast Steuben County Library's display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt tomorrow at noon.

Orientation and Cots

The Democrat and Chronicle has a story about Congressional orientation for the three Rochester-area new members.

In related news, the phenomenon of Members of Congress sleeping in their offices, which Randy Kuhl did during at least this year, is mainly a Republican one. It's not clear if Eric Massa, who is not moving his family to DC, will participate.

Leader Victory Story

Here's this morning's Corning Leader victory story.

Update: Reader Elmer sends today's front page [pdf] to show how it played in Massa's home town.

Massa Interview

Sean Carroll at the 13-WHAM blog has an interview with Eric Massa, including raw video. Massa talks about a possible GM bailout, his role representing those who may not have voted for him, and Hillary as Secretary of State.

Kuhl Statement

Randy Kuhl issued the following statement a few minutes ago:

I would like to congratulate my opponent on his victory. A few moments ago, I called Eric Massa to congratulate him on being elected to the 111th Congress.

I would also like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported me over the last 28 years. From voting for me to volunteering for my campaign or putting a sign in their yards, words cannot express my appreciation for my supporters. I have been honored to represent them in Congress, the State Senate and State Assembly. This election's outcome is no indication of the hard work and dedication that my supporters put forth.

This race was a close and tough battle to the end, and today I urge all of my supporters to give Congressman-elect Eric Massa the support and encouragement that he will need to carry out the great tasks that he will face in the 111th Congress. This country is facing an uphill battle. Our economy faces historic and unprecedented challenges, and we must unite to find the solutions that our country needs.

Massa Press Conference: Victory

Eric Massa announced that he has won the race for the 29th district at a press conference this morning.

"Every ballot has been counted," Massa said, "and I am humbled to accept the votes and the victory."

Massa said that he received a "gracious" concession call from Kuhl. "He has had a long and honorable stewardship of our public offices. He pledged his staff and himself to the effort of an orderly transition." Massa said he was committed to doing that, and to work "hand in glove" to make the transition "as seamless as possible."

Massa thanked his wife and family, thousands of supporters who "participated in a true grassroots campaign." The race is about "stewardship of a very important office."

Massa said that he had in excess of 5,000 votes.

Morning News

The Star-Gazette says that a Massa victory is "all but certain". The final deadline for certification is next Friday, with counties expected to finish counting today. Counties that have reported so far show a slight uptick in Massa's lead over Kuhl.

This morning's Corning Leader covers Wednesday's Massa meeting with state officials.

Massa Meets with Patterson, Delegation in DC

The Star-Gazette has the details on yesterday's meeting with Gov. Patterson and legislative leadership. The story also says that the final count will be available this week or next.

Massa Interview

WENY has an interview with Eric Massa in Washington, DC.

I haven't seen anything on the final count, for those who are wondering.


Today's Corning Leader story on the vote count makes it sound like counting might be finished today.

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