
Posts containing facts about the race in the 29th.

More Greenpeace Coverage

The Steuben Courier has two Greenpeace stories. The first covers their Thursday meeting with Randy Kuhl. It makes the obvious point that their organization and Randy Kuhl disagree on many aspects of energy policy, including drilling in ANWR and nuclear power.

The second notes that the town of Urbana went to extraordinary lengths to deny a permit to the organization. Greenpeace wanted to display a bio-diesel powered solar demonstration vehicle, "Rolling Sunlight", in Depot Park. The town council cited Greenpeace's earlier demonstration at the Massa headquarters in Corning as a reason for denying the permit.

Kuhl on Convention, Palin

The Wall Street Journal reports that Kuhl won't attend the convention, along with a number of other Republicans who face tough races. (The Journal moves Randy to Michigan in that story, but it's New York's Kuhl they're talking about.)

Randy Kuhl is one of the local Republicans quoted in a Corning Leader story on Sarah Palin. He's gung-ho on the choice.

The best Palin quote I've seen so far comes McCain advisor Charlie Black:

She's going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he'll be around at least that long.

Kuhl Meets Greenpeace

Reader Elmer sends today's Corning Leader story [pdf] and jump [pdf], detailing a meeting between Randy Kuhl and some Greenpeace representatives.

Update: Links fixed. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with a heads-up. Sorry about that.

Morning News: Jobs

Massa's new jobs plan received scant coverage in the local media. WXXI was the only area news outlet covering yesterday's Massa press conference.

As part of its press package, the Massa campaign released a report [pdf] from the state Department of Labor showing that an Elmira Weyerhaeuser plant was shut down because of trade issues.

Update: Reader Elmer sends the Corning Leader story [pdf] (and jump [pdf]) on the Massa jobs program.

News Roundup: PACs and Massa's Father

The D&C has discovered that most corporate political action committees (PACs) give to Republicans and incumbents.

Sean Carroll at 13WHAM has a blog post about the letter from Massa's father, which includes the text of the letter.

Massa Press Conference: Jobs Plan

Today's Massa press conference discussed Massa's new jobs plan [pdf].

Massa's Father Gets More Press

Joe Spector, Gannett political reporter, has a post on the D&C political blog on the recent Massa-Kuhl dust-up. It includes Emddio Massa's letter, and the WETM video.

D&C Backgrounder

The Democrat and Chronicle is running a series of stories on each of the four Congressional races in the area. Today's covers the 29th and does a good job of summarizing the candidates positions on some issues, as well as the state of the race.

Grins and Groans: Massa and Kuhl

Reader Tom sends a scan of today's Corning Leader editorial. It's a "grins and groans" edition which takes both candidates to task.

Eric Massa gets dinged for crashing Kuhl's press conference. Randy Kuhl's groan is for misleading voters about drilling, and for failing to acknowledge that his press conference was a campaign event.

Morning News: Dunning on the Rumble and the Salamanca Press

Corning Leader Managing Editor Joe Dunning has a column [pdf] on the "Kuhl, Massa tiff" which is, as usual, smart and perceptive. Thanks to Reader Elmer for sending it in.

The Salamanca Press was founded in 1867 and is now on the web. Here's a recent story about Massa stumping at Kill Buck in the Southeastern corner of the district.

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