Massa Press Conference

Massa Campaign Manager Justin Schall just had a press conference outlining the current state of absentee ballots. His numbers are roughly the same as Sean Carroll's.

The Massa campaign believes the absentee ballots will break roughly the same as the general election ballots, making a Kuhl victory a "statistical impossibility". In 2006, the Massa campaign won the absentee ballot count by 1,500 votes.

Schall would not claim victory outright, but he said that he believed that their 4,400 vote margin will grow.

This afternoon, lawyers for the Massa and Kuhl campaign will meet to discuss the possibility of opening ballots earlier than next Wednesday, which is the date when the campaigns are appearing in court in Bath. However, the timing of ballot opening is ultimately up to the discretion of the judge in the case, working with each county's election commissioners. The speed of ballot counting is also dependent on resources available in each county.

Schall explained that, as was the case in 2006, at some point in the process it will be mathematically impossible for Kuhl to win. Though every vote will be counted, it's likely that the winner will be known before the counting is over.

Massa will be attending Freshman Member of Congress orientation in Washington, DC next week, so he's beginning the transition process.


"Massa will be attending Freshman Member of Congress orientation in Washington, DC next week, so he's beginning the transition process."

Is this were the new members meet the lobbyists and special interest groups? :)

Yep. He also has to start working on his earmark list.